Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Are foreign and bilingual families accepted in schools?

It has always been known that a powerful tool used in order for a child to have academic success is students’ parent/s involvement their school. For example, attending school meetings, meeting with teachers, participating in school events, and reading letters that go home. There is only one problem….what if the parent only speaks Russian? Should the child suffer? The number of foreign/bilingual students is on the rise and schools need to be equipped to handle this problem. Schools need to learn which languages families speak in their school and then hire a translator for in case of emergencies and to translate school bulletins. Not only is it dangerous to not be able to communicate with a child’s parent, but it is also working against creating a community at the school. There are many arguments about how foreigners need to learn English because they are in The United States. But is this a justifiable reason for putting a child at risk? More importantly, the U.S does not even have a declared language. In my opinion, it is absolutely ridiculous that many schools don’t have hired translators on call, and that a lot of schools don’t reach out to families. Schools need to make a necessary change to promote unity in their schools.

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