Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How important is the "critical" classroom?

 The answer is to the question how important is the "critical" classroom is, VITAL. A critical classroom equips the curriculum with an emphasis on the students "talking back." The students will learn the importance of posting critical essential questions that enable them to think outside the box. For example, if the class is learning about the Mayflower's voyage the students should pose questions like "What is religious freedom?" "Do people still seek religious freedoms today?" Learning the skills of asking essential questions shapes the students into a critical thinkers. Being a critical thinker is not only valuable for a student during their educational journey, but it is also important for them when they become adults and are in the working world. Learning to ask critical essential questions also make students more aware of what is going on in today's societies and promotes students to be problem solvers, and possibly leaders. It was once said, "There is no such thing as a stupid question." This perfectly describes the environment of a "critical" classroom. Questions are important to learning, therefore a "critical" classroom is VITAL!   

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