Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Good Bye!

Taking EDU 100 was very rewarding for me and I am sad that it is coming to an end. I really liked the McNergney text book. I enjoyed learning all of the new termminology and I know I will find the new jargon to be relevant when I becom a teacher. An important aspect that I took away from this course is that being open-minded is important for a teacher. Always remembering that things aren't always what they seem and that everyone is person, is something that I learned to be important. I found the information in this course to be particularly interesting because I am use to learning about Early Childhood Education. Getting to see what Elementary Education majors learn was fun and I am happy that I was given the oppurtunity to take this class a replacement for EDU 105.

I really enjoyed reading my classmates' blogs and getting a better idea of who they are and what they believe. Rading their blogs showed me different aspects of issues that I never would hae thought of; giving me a more well-round grasp on concepts. It was fun to check in on the discussion boards and see people's responses to your own work. It made me feel happy to know that my classmates took the time to read my work.

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